The ACPA Latin@/x Network Writers Group
was established after the ACPA Annual Convention 2016 in Montreal, Quebec, Canada. Information on the group can be found below:
- To collectively share interests in writing with the goal of possible publication within ACPA.
- To collaborate with others to share ideas and issues concerning the Latina/o community.
- To develop and learn skills needed to become practitioner-scholars.
- To understand the publication process.
- Initial interest meeting on Zoom within one month after ACPA
- Schedule monthly meetings soon after to collaborate on shared goals
- Must write regularly (formally and informally) – provide “assignments” and journaling
- Will follow up on delegated tasks for the group (search articles, lit reviews, Google shared documents, etc.)
- Goal = by next year, Houston 2018, will share with group planned publication within ACPA (white paper, research presentation, newsletter, About Campus, etc…)
For more information, contact Dr. Ricardo Montelongo