Study Information: The experiences of higher education student affairs administrators who walked the Camino de Santiago

Thank you for your interest in a study on higher education student affairs professionals who have walked the Camino de Santiago located in north-western Spain. I am a faculty member at Sam Houston State University and I would like to invite you to participate in my study:  The experiences of higher education student affairs administrators who walked the Camino de Santiago.  

If you are interested in participating, please read the following information and email expressing your interest.

Purpose of the Study: This study seeks to gain an understanding on how those who walked the Camino de Santiago made sense of their journey, especially with regards to their professional work in higher education student affairs. The study seeks to understand how higher education student affairs administrators describe their experience of walking the Camino de Santiago and its influence on higher education student affairs administration .  

Who is eligible? This study is open to any individuals who work in higher education student affairs at any level (i.e., entry-, mid-, or senior-level) at any higher education institution in the United States. You must also have walked any of the routes on the Camino de Santiago/The Way. Participants who have walked any distance of their selected route(s) at any time within their professional career in higher education are eligible.

Being part of this study includes the following:

  • This study will involve a 45-60 minute interview with the researcher who will ask questions regarding experience in higher education student affairs, knowledge of the Camino de Santiago, and its influence on administrative work.

Foreseeable Risks: This research has low risk. Potential risks might include feelings of stress and anxiety recounting unpleasant events that were possibly encountered on the Camino.

All of the information you provide is anonymous.  Your privacy will be protected while you participate in this study.

Benefits to the Subjects or Others: The study will initiate interest to investigate the impact of walking historic routes or pilgrimages on higher education administrators. 

Compensation for Participants: None.

To participate in the study, please email your interest to I will then follow up with a link providing consent information, an item to provide your consent to participate or not participate.

I will then follow up with steps on how you can schedule your interview.

If you have any other questions please contact me: Dr. Ricardo Montelongo, principal investigator for the study, via e-mail at or phone at 936-294-1155.

Buen Camino!